Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Spring Sunday at home

March 20th, 2011~ A wonderful response of financial aid from afar for Shailendra, which many of you had asked me about.   Dr. Anne let us know that further donations shall be devoted to rehabilitation and prosthesis fittings. I include her note below and a picture from her. I was so deeply touched by him, his father and his wife when I worked with them at the hospital in Ahmednagar. A very sweet family who truly were left reeling when the accident happened, but with love and faith have been 'heard' from many who will never meet them personally. This speaks of the best of human nature... our willingness to give, to feel another's plight, to reach out anonymously. This and Baba's love.

This week I am preparing to welcome Diane Poole Heller here in my home and to Asheville. She'll be leading us into a deeper learning space of early attachment, how it affects our relationships as adults and how we create what is known as 'secure attachment' with one another. When I think of secure attachment, I think of my dear friend Daniel... we have learned so much from one another, weathered so many storms together, witnessed death, loss, celebrated achievements, retirement, visited lands beyond together, danced under the wild moon and courageously returned to school to stretch in a new direction. Through it all we have had an abiding heart hold on one another. There seems to be a bedrock of connection, though it hasn't always been easy or pretty between us. But when I think of Daniel I feel a solidity in my body, a simple planting into here-and-now. This is what secure attachment feels like to me. I thank god for that, and for all the variations on that in my life with so many good friends and companions along the way.

From Dr. Anne at Meherabad:

"Dear friends,
The response to the appeal for financial help for our Amartithi volunteer has been tremendous.

Shailendra is doing well, his wounds are almost healed and he will be able to go home soon. After a couple of months he should be fit to go to a rehab center and try artificial limbs. There is still quite a long way for him to go, please keep sending him your prayers to help him adjust to a new way of life. Last Sunday Shailendra went to Meherazad. It was a beautiful visit. I am enclosing a photo of him and family with Meheru.

Thank you for your support,

In Beloved Baba's training, Dr Anne"

His father standing on the far right, his wife behind him on the left, Dr. Anne kneeling on the left.

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